
We are ready to answer all your questions and help you choose the best wooden pallets for your needs. Contact us now!

Drawex Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

Sienica 13, 78-540 Kalisz Pomorski, Poland
NIP: PL 2530347209 | REGON: 381803146 | BDO: 000155302

No. bank accounts:

Złoty:Cooperative Bank in Kalisz Pomorski
62 8570 0002 0009 9639 2000 0010

Currency:Bank Pekao S.A. 1st Branch in Wałcz
PKOPPLPW PL 45 1240 3712 1978 0010 8656 2183


+48 94 361 72 70

Marketing, sale of pallets

+ 48 662 245 990

Sale of sawn timber and construction wood

+48 696 002 386

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© Copyright Tartak Z.P.H.U. Drawex.